More From Becca Stiegelmar

November 5, 2021 by Becca Stiegelmar (Texas, USA)
Becca and her boyfriend, Daniel

I composed this devotional during my freshman year of college. Over the past two years, I have taken my boyfriend’s advice and have listened to many “heart tugs” from God, even when it was very difficult. When I originally wrote this back in 2019, I was going through a life-altering season. I had just graduated from high school and was in the pre-nursing program at my university. I was making new friends, and I thought I was enjoying college life. However, in my conversations with God, it became increasingly obvious that this university was not leading me on the path that God wanted for me. So, uncertain of my future but trusting in the Lord, I completed the semester and returned home, deciding to take a break from school until I knew what I should do.

During this break semester, I was hired as a waitress at a restaurant in a nice suburb far from my home. I wasn’t the best waitress by any means, as the job was very new to me, but I always arrived at work on time and put my all into my job. But after a few months of working there, I felt that calling from God to leave again. I was much more unsure about leaving this job than I was leaving my former university, but through prayer, I relented and I quit. It wasn’t until after I left the job that I realized how out of sorts I was. I had been surrounding myself with people who were not sanctifying my spirit or my relationship with God, but rather were bringing me down and discouraging me from practicing my faith.

Although going through these experiences in the past few years was not enjoyable, it has made it much easier for me to trust in God’s plan for my life rather than my own plan. In the past year, the flexibility of online schoolwork has allowed me to work as a caretaker for my 94-year-old grandmother—who is as sharp as a tack and knows more about current events than I do. Spending ample time with her in this season of her life has been such a gift. I have changed majors from nursing to finance, and I am doing well in my studies. I am still in a relationship with my boyfriend, Daniel, and we have been going for four years strong. I fully understand now that when God is calling us to act for others or even in our life choices, it is most likely for something better than we could ever imagine on our own.

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