More From Lea Anne Foster

September 14, 2022 by Lea Anne Foster (Virginia, USA)
Lea Anne and her brother, Mel McBride,
a few years before his passing in 2020

Two years have passed since my brother’s death. Writing the devotional “Running with Jesus” was as worshipful and healing as my runs themselves. The process of grappling for words to describe my grief, confusion, and reconciliation helped draw me out of the fog that settled over our family after his passing.

Over and over, I’ve lingered in John chapter 11 (the long reading that accompanied the devotion). Each reading of the passage feels like balm to the cracked places of my heart. 

As I prayed this morning about this blog post and thought, I have nothing else to say, I re-read Jesus’ remark to Martha, “Your brother will rise again.” I know completely and confidently that my brother is with our risen Lord. It is my hope and prayer that anyone mourning the loss of a loved one experiences this comfort. 

Even with that assurance, I miss my brother deeply. Our family is learning to journey through this earthly life without him. I have faith that one day I’ll see God’s glory in this trial. Isn’t this what Jesus was referring to when he asked Martha and Mary later at Lazarus’ burial place, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”

Thank you for this venue to share our walk with a community of believers in and followers of Christ. 

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