More From Michael A. Poe

October 17, 2022 by Michael A. Poe (Florida, USA)

When I attended a conference for work in San Antonio, Texas, I would walk from where I was staying to the conference hotel each day. As I walked, I would say hello to people I met on the street. Some were busy moving about their day, some appeared to be homeless. Shortly before I got to the door of the hotel, I would pass a group on the street with a sign that said, “Jesus Loves You.” Each day I saw this group and their sign, but I never saw them tangibly show the love of God to the people on the street around them.

James 2:14-17 makes it clear that action is a crucial part of faith. So daily I would leave the conference with my backpack loaded full of drinks and snacks. As I approached someone who appeared in need, I asked if they wanted something to eat and drink. Everyone I spoke to said they would take something. I would take off my backpack, give them some items, and talk to them for a few minutes. It took me a little longer to get back to my hotel. But by the time I arrived each day, I had had three or four small personal engagements with people in need. On my last day in the city, I came across a woman and offered her food and a drink. She invited me to sit and talk with her. The few minutes I spoke with her really made her day. Matthew 25:34-46 tells us that what we do for the least of these, we do for Jesus. In spending time with these people each day, I could very well have fed the Savior.

Every day we interact with many people. Some of these interactions are brief—some are interactions we initiate and others are unplanned. Try praying that God will prepare you each day for every interaction you will have. I encourage you to take a few extra minutes today to focus on a conversation you might typically dismiss quickly. Let us all try to listen more than we speak and watch how God will use us this week.

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