March 2023 Wednesday Study Questions

February 22, 2023 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

March 1: Incredible Faithfulness

1. Describe your favorite prayer practice. What makes this practice meaningful and sustainable for you? What does this practice teach you about God and prayer?
2. Do you find that devotionals like The Upper Room, books, or other resources enrich your faith and prayers? If so, how? If not, where do you find the most enrichment?
3. If you track your prayers and petitions, what have you observed about your prayers by doing so? If you don’t, how do you remain aware of the ways your prayers are being 
4. Do you tend to offer more petition prayers or thanksgiving prayers? Is it good to bring our petitions to God as well as our thanks? Explain.
5. When have you had a petition turn into a blessing or thanksgiving? What did you learn about God, yourself, and others through that experience?

March 8: Important Roles

1. Did you recognize the names Jochebed, Shiphrah, and Puah? Why do you think many people are unfamiliar with these names and so many other biblical women?
2. Why do you think it is important to remember the names of people in the Bible? When was the last time you came across a name in scripture that you did not recognize?
3. Name an often-forgotten biblical woman who stands out in your mind. Why does she stand out for you? What does this woman or her life teach you?
4. Why do you think it is easy to overlook the people we do not know personally who make our daily life easier? What spiritual practices and prayers help you to keep those people and their work in the front of your mind?
5. What women have had the biggest impact on your life? Why? How will you honor them or show them your appreciation for all that they have done for you?

March 15: Support One Another

1. Does your church have an outreach program like the writer’s church? If so, describe the program. If not, describe any similar programs you participate in or have heard about.
2. In what ways do you offer your time, resources, and support to people in need? How have you observed your efforts making a difference for the people you serve?
3. How does your behavior and mindset change during Lent? How do you treat others differently in this season? Why?
4. What does it mean for you to see the face of Jesus in the people you meet? Does seeing Jesus in others change the way you interact with them? How do you keep your heart and mind open to the needs of others?
5. Name several needs you have observed in your community. How will you seek to fulfill those needs? How will you encourage your faith community to join your efforts?

March 22: Resilience and Brokenness

1. Describe a spiritual or life lesson you have learned by spending time in nature. Why do you think we can learn so much by observing nature?
2. Do you ever feel like you need to be resilient and unbreakable? What scripture passages remind you that we don’t always need to remain unbreakable?
3. When has brokenness in your life led you to new, beautiful growth? How did that experience affect your faith journey?
4. What does it mean to embody both resilience and brokenness at the same time? In what ways do your life and faith change depending on whether you are feeling resilient or broken or both?
5. Who in scripture most embodied resilience and brokenness? Did they embody just one at a time? Both at once? How does their story encourage and inspire you?

March 29: Lost but Found

1. What is your first response when you lose something? What helps you find the lost item? How does it feel to find something that has been lost?
2. The students in today’s meditation were motivated to search for lost items because they would receive accolades from their peers. What motivates you to help others? Why?
3. What do you find the most comforting and meaningful about the parable of the lost sheep? How has this parable influenced your life and your faith over time?
4. If you have ever wandered away from God, how did the Good Shepherd find you and lovingly bring you back? How can it be encouraging to someone who has wandered away 
to know that the Good Shepherd is always nearby?
5. When someone you care about leaves the faith, how do you respond? How do you remain hopeful for their return? What helps you to find peace in the situation?

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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