April 2023 Wednesday Study Questions

March 29, 2023 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

April 5: In Your Hands

1. Have you ever watched a loved one struggle with memory loss or another health condition? What was that like? How did that experience affect your relationship with God and with your loved one?
2. When are your prayers the most honest and open? Why? How is your prayer experience different when you pray more authentically? Does it change the outcome?
3. When do you find it most difficult to trust God? What spiritual practices, prayers, or Bible verses help you continue to trust God when you are angry, confused, or hurting?
4. Where do you most clearly sense God’s presence in your life today? How does slowing down and remaining open to God allow you to notice God’s presence and provision?
5. Why do you think we want to have all the answers and be in control? Who or what gives you the courage to place everything in God’s hands?

April 12: Enough

1. When someone asks you to do something difficult, how do you respond? Has a scripture passage ever made you change your response like it did for today’s writer? If so, what was the passage? How did it change your response?
2. Do you ever fear that you don’t have enough to offer anything to others? What motivates you to share what you have anyway? What happens when you do?
3. When do you feel most in need of God’s provision? When are you most aware of God’s provision? Is it ever easy for you to lose sight of all that God provides? Why or why not?
4. What stories from scripture show you the importance of following God’s call to care for others? How do you apply the lessons you learn from those stories to your life?
5. In what ways have you been blessed by caring for those around you or by receiving the care of others? How do you remain open to God’s call to care for others each day?

April 19: Safe Place

1. When you feel overwhelmed or fearful, what physical locations comfort you and help you find peace? What about that place makes you feel safe?
2. What prayers, objects, locations, and practices help you experience the comfort of Christ?
3. What peace and hope do you have knowing that through Christ, we all can access the refuge God provides? How does God’s refuge get you through difficult times?
4. Describe a time when you were afraid or overwhelmed and found comfort through Christ. Who or what helped you experience that comfort?
5. Why can it be easy to forget about the comfort and safety we have in Christ when life is going well? How do you remain focused on and grateful for that safety in good times and bad times alike?

April 26: God Who Weeps with Us

1. Recall a time when someone’s words comforted you and strengthened your faith. What did their words mean to you?
2. Have you ever experienced a devastating circumstance that eventually gave you a chance to grow in your faith or to help those around you? Explain the situation.
3. Why do you think we tend to question God when we are grieving or when life is not going as we hoped? How does God respond to our questions?
4. What does it mean to you to know that God is grieving and weeping with us? In what ways does it change the way you view grief and the painful circumstances we all experience? In what ways does it change the way you view God?
5. Why is the care of community so important when we are 
suffering? How does your community support you in times of grief and sorrow? How do you support those 
around you?

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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