More From April McIntyre

April 15, 2023 by April McIntyre (England, United Kingdom)
April’s dog Binky

Easter Love

Hello! My name is April and this is my fourth devotional to be published in The Upper Room. I would like to thank you all for the opportunity to share some of my thoughts and experiences of God’s grace and love. Thank you for your positive responses to my last piece in January, especially to the prayer at the end of the blog. I am so glad that it was helpful, especially for those traveling through dark places.

Binky, our Yorkshire terrier, was a friend in my teenage years—a long time ago now. Together we would chase round and round the sofa or have adventures in our nearby country park. Being long-haired, he often became very wet and muddy and, in winter, would have to be ‘de-frosted’ from the little snowballs that clung to his fur after walks in the snow. Fortunately, he was easy to wash in the kitchen sink and dry with a hair dryer!  Then it was time for the grooming, which tried everyone’s patience. Finally, looking gorgeous, Binky would submit to having a small bow tied on top to keep the hair out of his eyes.

As with so many pets, Binky was a good listener when I needed someone I could whisper my adolescent problems to. We don’t have a dog now, but over the years I have had a series of very entertaining hamsters and currently have an elderly adopted guinea pig. Pets are so therapeutic and can have a positive effect on our lives as we cuddle them and say silly things to them. It all helps us to understand a little bit more about God’s unconditional love.

I am reminded of the gospel stories that surround Easter Sunday. Do you remember how the disciples gathered together in the upper room in John 20:19-28? They weren’t celebrating or shouting praises; they were still confused and hurting, carrying the weight of their shame and fear. They had run away when Jesus was arrested. Most were not there when Jesus was crucified. But when the Risen Christ appeared among them, Jesus didn’t rebuke or nag them but rather blessed them with his peace and helped them understand a little more. He didn’t see them as failures but as his dear friends—fallible and human perhaps, but capable of growth and courage. And he loved even those who had denied, deserted, or doubted. It was upon this unpromising group that Jesus was to build his church.

I’d like to end with a prayer for us to use during this season of Easter.

Risen Christ,
You appeared amongst your friends
gathered together that first Easter.
Come now into the locked places of my life.

Risen Christ,
You said “Peace be with you.”
Help me to know your peace in today’s busy moments,
in times of pain and trouble
and in the hurt of distant memories.
Help me to receive your healing love.

Risen Christ,
You breathed on your friends and sent them out in power.
Pour your Holy Spirit on me.
Fill, refresh, equip, and use me.

Risen Christ,
Come into this broken world today.
Thank you for dying for us;
for forgiving and redeeming us.
Help us to abide in your love forever.

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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