More From Debra Celovsky

May 16, 2023 by Debra Celovsky (California, USA)

We are often surprised at memories that stick like burrs in our minds—brief moments to which our thoughts turn again and again over the years. It is a blessing when those moments convey a tender message and remind us of important truths. Such was the case with my husband’s young nephew in Australia many years ago. The earnest voice of that young boy when he suddenly handed me his crayon drawing with the words, “It’s a bird, and I love you!” remains vivid in my memory.

And it has indeed prompted me time and again to be conscious of both God’s voice and God’s presence. Surrounded as we are by noise and distraction, it is vital that we are intentional in both prayer and immersion in God’s word. According to the well-known passage in Jeremiah 29:11-12, God’s thoughts are toward us, sometimes for comfort and reassurance, sometimes for correction. But we are never forgotten, never abandoned by the One who loves us. Our tasks are to pay attention, be obedient, and never cease calling on God.

Recently, my four-year-old granddaughter handed me a small sticky note. “Do you know what it is?” she asked, bright-eyed. “Well, hmmm,” I responded, both puzzled and intrigued. “Is it a duck?” “No!” she said, shocked. “It’s you!” She then took a moment to sign her name and add a few more touches to “me”. I was on her mind.

Ah, Lord, your thoughts are toward us. Give us eyes to see and hearts that pay attention. Amen.

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