I love to watch the birds in my yard as they gather at the feeder or splash in the birdbath. Today I watched a pair of bird parents trying to teach their two little ones how to find food on the ground. The babies made a lot of noise and followed their parents around with open mouths, waiting to be fed. Parenting is not easy for any species!
I wrote this devotional almost two years ago as in my part of the world, we were beginning to emerge from our homes following the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of us had stayed in our safe places for over a year. We only ventured out for the things we needed. Security meant closed doors, masks, and social distancing. We had not gone to church buildings or offices, and many children had not gone back to school buildings. But it was time to begin leaving the safety of our homes. It was uncomfortable; people were fearful. Like the baby bird in the devotional, we had to trust God with a future that looked different from what we had known.
Each spring since I wrote this devotional, I have watched for the next generation of bird parents to return to that nest under the eve of my porch. They have not returned. God had a lesson of encouragement I needed to see in May 2021. God showed me with that nest of birds that I could move forward without fear to the next things God had planned for me. I just had to believe God’s promises, take that leap, and fly out.
If we could sit and have coffee (or tea), I know each of you reading this blog could share things that God taught you during those quiet and lonely pandemic months. We were finally able to hear God speaking to us when we were forced to clear the noise and activities out of our lives. I would also love to hear about the “new things” God is leading you to do. I pray that God will bless you as you fly out now in faith.