Some men came, carrying a paralyzed man 
on a bed . . . finding no way to bring him in 
because of the crowd they went up on the 
roof and let him down . . . into the middle 
of the crowd in front of Jesus. - Luke 5:18-19 (NRSV)

Several sisters in our church have organized a women’s prayer ministry. After worship, when the rest of the church members go home, we gather in a small room for prayer. In worship our 
congregation prays for needs and concerns of the community. But often people have problems they feel they...

Today's Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the help we receive through prayer. We want to be your hands and your feet on this earth. Amen.

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Today's Reading
Luke 5:17-26

Thought for the Day

I can help to meet the needs of my brothers and sisters through prayer.

Prayer Focus

Women’s Prayer Groups

Respond by posting a prayer.