Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers? - Luke 10:36 (NRSV)

The good Samaritan story is so familiar to me that I often skim through it instead of looking at the details. Most of us think we are, or should be, the good Samaritan of Jesus’ parable. But what message would the story have if we were the one who was...

Today's Prayer
O God, help us to accept your love from wherever and whomever it comes. Help us to show love and care to those we meet, not just those who are most like us. Amen.

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Today's Reading
Luke 10:25-37

Thought for the Day

Whom has God sent to help me? Will I receive them?

Prayer Focus

Emergency first responders

Respond by posting a prayer.