Psalm 86:1-13
LORD, listen closely to me and answer me, because I am poor and in need. 2
Guard my life because I am faithful. Save your servant who trusts in you—you! My God! 3
Have mercy on me, Lord, because I cry out to you all day long. 4
Make your servant’s life happy again because, my Lord, I offer my life to you, 5
because, my Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of faithful love for all those who cry out to you. 6
Listen closely to my prayer, LORD; pay close attention to the sound of my requests for mercy. 7
Whenever I am in trouble, I cry out to you, because you will answer me. 8
My Lord! There is no one like youamong the gods! There is nothing that can compare to your works! 9
All the nations that you’ve made will come and bow down before you, Lord; they will glorify your name, 10
because you are awesome and a wonder-worker. You are God. Just you. 11
Teach me your way, LORD, so that I can walk in your truth. Make my heart focused only on honoring your name. 12
I give thanks to you, my Lord, my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify your name forever, 13
because your faithful love toward me is awesome and because you’ve rescued my life from the lowest part of hell.