Luke 8:4-15
When a great crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from one city after another, he spoke to them in a parable: 5
“A farmer went out to scatter his seed. As he was scattering it, some fell on the path where it was crushed, and the birds in the sky came and ate it. 6
Other seed fell on rock. As it grew, it dried up because it had no moisture. 7
Other seed fell among thorny plants. The thorns grew with the plants and choked them. 8
Still other seed landed on good soil. When it grew, it produced one hundred times more grain than was scattered.” As he said this, he called out, “Everyone who has ears should pay attention.” 9
His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10
He said, “You have been given the mysteries of God’s kingdom, but these mysteries come to everyone else in parables so thatwhen they see, they can’t see, and when they hear, they can’t understand. 11
“The parable means this: The seed is God’s word. 12
The seed on the path are those who hear, but then the devil comes and steals the word from their hearts so that they won’t believe and be saved. 13
The seed on the rock are those who receive the word joyfully when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while but fall away when they are tempted. 14
As for the seed that fell among thorny plants, these are the ones who, as they go about their lives, are choked by the concerns, riches, and pleasures of life, and their fruit never matures. 15
The seed that fell on good soil are those who hear the word and commit themselves to it with a good and upright heart. Through their resolve, they bear fruit.