All of us know what it’s like not to be chosen. From our
childhood days when we’re chosen last or not at all for
school yard games, a sense of inadequacy haunts us for failing to
meet some human standard. Even when we succeed, that nagging
internal voice tells us...

O Holy One, grant me the wisdom to see myself as you see me—chosen. May I anchor myself in you so that my life reflects your glory. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
January 9–15, 2017
Scripture Overview

The theme of God’s calling all believers to a life of ministry runs through all four of this week’s scripture passages. We discover that God’s call always requires a response! The Isaiah passage, one of the Servant Songs that points to Jesus, reminds us that God is the one who pursues and calls. The psalmist exemplifies the call to give witness when God shows up and is found to be faithful. In the opening of his letter to the church in Corinth, Paul reminds us of his own calling and then goes on to emphasize that all are called by God and set apart for ministry. And in John’s Gospel, we receive an example of testifying to God’s presence in our lives and the important calling of bringing others to Jesus.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

• Read Isaiah 49:1-7. How has God taken the initiative to work in your life and call you to faith? What mission has God given you?
• Read Psalm 40:1-11. List the ways that God has been faithful to you in showing up and answering your prayers. How have you given witness to God’s faithfulness?
• Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. What gifts has God given you to fulfill your calling to ministry?
• Read John 1:29-42. How might you cultivate the discipline of “mindfulness” in your spiritual life?

Respond by posting a prayer.