The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Larry J. Peacock | Read John 9:24-41
Sometimes good news is too good to believe. At least it seems
that way when Jesus strolls through John’s Gospel (John
5, healing one ill for thirty-eight years; John 11, the raising
of Lazarus). Here in chapter 9, the healing of the blind man is
not met with “hallelujahs” but...
Holy One, soften our hearts so that your love may flow through us in ever-widening circles. Open our eyes to see you in each person. Amen.
First Samuel 16 reminds us of the bold risk that Yahweh took in the anointing of this young and unheralded shepherd. If 1 Samuel 16 causes us to wonder about the adequacy of all human shepherds, Psalm 23 reassures us that one Shepherd never fails. The New Testament passages consider the tension between light and darkness as a metaphor for the conflict between good and evil. In Ephesians 5, the struggle has already been resolved but takes seriously the continuing problem of sin. By means of the love and presence of Jesus Christ, even the power of evil cannot withstand the light. Then John 9 emphasizes the power of Christ as a bringer of light in the story of the man born blind.
• Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13. How often do you allow external appearances to affect your decisions? In what ways are you learning to look on the heart?
• Read Psalm 23. When do you take time for yourself by slowing your pace, breathing deeply, and allowing God to restore your soul? How might this become a daily habit?
• Read Ephesians 5:8-14. How do you discover what pleases God? How does your living reflect your discovery?
• Read John 9:1-41. When have you experienced a “healing” that brought you back into community—either at home, work, or faith setting?
Respond by posting a prayer.