In the spring of 1988, a young man active in the anti-apartheid
movement named Sfiso was showing me around his black
township. Eight rifle-wielding members of the South African
army leapt from an armored personnel carrier and ordered us to
the military tower. In the interrogation room, an officer threatened...

Merciful God, give me the strength to forgive, and help me never to underestimate the power of your word. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
May 22–28, 2017
Scripture Overview

The entire Easter season focuses on the new governance that breaks the grip of all that is old, tired, deathly, and enslaving. The psalm shows the church using the ancient language of enthronement. Now it is Jesus through whom the drama of God’s power is brought to fruition. In Acts, the community accepts the new governance as a bold witness in the world, sustained by a disciplined life of prayer. The epistle reading addresses people who are in the midst of suffering, hurt, and need. They are enjoined to powerful hope for the time of God’s eventual and full triumph. The Gospel portrays the church under the power of God’s resolve, being given a wholly new identity and vocation in the world.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

• Read Acts 1:6-14. Having received the power of the Holy Spirit, how is your life unfolding?
• Read Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35. When have you sensed God’s absence? How did you attempt to fill that void?
• Read 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11.When has God restored you?
• Read John 17:1-11. Where do you see Jesus as you go about your daily life?

Respond by posting a prayer.