Lectio on Life


The ancient tradition of lectio divina has offered Christians a way of seeking and experiencing God in creation. We often turn to scripture when we want to know God more deeply, using lectio divina as a way of praying the scriptures, allowing the words to speak to us in new and revelatory ways. If we turn to scripture because it shows us the truth of God's divine movement in creation, then it follows that we should also feel free to seek that truth in our own lives and experiences.

The lectio divina process is applicable to more than scripture.

Lectio on Life

  1. Pick an event in your life -- it can be something that has happened recently or a memory from long ago. Choose an event or memory that touches your heart in the same way that a word or phrase would in scriptural lectio divina.

  2. As you recall this event, what aspects of it stand out to you? Think about the setting and the circumstances. What is your initial reaction to this memory?

  3. Ask yourself where God was present or absent in this experience. Did you feel God's presence at the time? or was it not evident until later?

  4. Offer the event to God and rest in the silence and peace of God's presence. How is God calling you forth into doing or being through this experience? Allow God to use this encounter to touch you, shape you in your life today.

Before you return to your activities, spend a few more moments in meditation. If you keep a journal, make some notes about this time with God. When you are finished, go in God's peace and love.