All donations to The Upper Room are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our EIN# is 36-5019628.

  1. Give online at

    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards on our secured website. International donations can be made in U.S. dollars online.
    Check the currency conversion rate.

  2. Send a check.

    Mail your donation to:
    The Upper Room
    P O Box 305150
    Nashville, TN 37230-5150

    Make checks payable to The Upper Room. If you are giving to a designated fund, note it in the memo line.

  3. Become a Monthly Giver.

    Monthly givers are a part of our Fellowship Circle, a giving circle of friends. By selecting “recurring gift” on the donation form, you can set up an ongoing monthly gift of any amount and to any fund by using your bank account or credit or debit card. Monthly gifts are automatically processed on the same day each month as the date of your first payment (unless you give on the last day of the month, in which your payments will always come out on the last day of the month regardless of the month).

  4. Give a Tribute Gift.

    Any gift may be made in honor of or in memory of a loved one. If you provide us with the contact information, a tribute card can be mailed on your behalf.

  5. Be a Legacy Giver.

    If you have questions about planned giving, bequests, or endowments, please contact Nicole Curtis, Director of Fund Development, for The Upper Room. Email Nicole or call her at 877-899-2781 ext. 7236. You can download our bequest brochure.

  6. Matching Gifts.

    Multiply your generosity! Many companies match donations to The Upper Room when given by their employee. Please check with the Human Resources department at your employment to see if your company matches charitable contributions.

  7. In-kind Gifts.

    Please contact Ben Crumbley, donor services manager, if you are interested in donating an in-kind gift that is mission-aligned with our ministry. A receipt will be given so the gift may be deducted on taxes at a fair market value. Email Ben or call him at 877-899-2781 ext. 7061.

  8. Giving through a trust or donor advise fund?

    You may need the following information.
    Tax ID#: 36-5019628
    Charity Contact Name: Nicole Curtis, Communications Manager
    Charity Contact Phone: 615-340-7236
    Charity Formal Name: The Upper Room, Inc.
    Charity Formal Address: 1908 Grand Avenue Nashville TN 37212
    Please send all donations to our secure Post Office Lockbox at PO Box 305150, Nashville, TN 37230-5150.

All gifts will be acknowledged. If you need a replacement tax receipt, email our development office or call at 877-899-2781 ext.7045.

If you need to update your donation payment information, please visit our donor portal site here.

If you need more information from us, please email The Development Office or contact us at 877-899-2781 ext.7236.

The Upper Room is self-funded through resource sales, participants’ fees, and the generous support of donors. We do not receive any apportionment money from the United Methodist Church or any other denomination.